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A simplified and standardized interface for Bitcoin ASICs.

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Welcome to pyasic! pyasic uses an asynchronous method of communicating with ASIC miners on your network, which makes it super fast.

Click here to view supported miner types


It is recommended to install pyasic in a virtual environment to isolate it from the rest of your system. pyasic can be installed directly from pip, either with pip install pyasic, or a different command if using a tool like pypoetry.

Getting started

Getting started with pyasic is easy. First, find your miner (or miners) on the network by scanning for them or getting the correct class automatically for them if you know the IP.

Scanning for miners

To scan for miners in pyasic, we use the class MinerNetwork, which abstracts the search, communication, identification, setup, and return of a miner to 1 command. The command MinerNetwork.scan() returns a list that contains any miners found.

import asyncio# (1)!
from import MinerNetwork# (2)!

async def scan_miners():# (3)!
    network = MinerNetwork.from_subnet("")# (4)!

    miners = await network.scan()# (5)!

if __name__ == "__main__": (6)!

  1. asyncio for handling the async part.
  2. MinerNetwork handles the scanning.
  3. Define an async function to allow awaiting.
  4. Create a miner network. You can pass in any IP and it will use that in a subnet with a /24 mask (255 IPs). This uses the network.
  5. Scan for miners asynchronously. This will return the correct type of miners (if they are supported) with all functionality.
  6. Run the scan asynchronously with

Creating miners based on IP

If you already know the IP address of your miner or miners, you can use the MinerFactory to communicate and identify the miners, or an abstraction of its functionality, get_miner(). The function get_miner() will return any miner it found at the IP address specified, or an UnknownMiner if it cannot identify the miner.

import asyncio# (1)!
from pyasic import get_miner# (2)!

async def get_miners():# (3)!
    miner_1 = await get_miner("")# (4)!
    miner_2 = await get_miner("")
    print(miner_1, miner_2)

    tasks = [get_miner(""), get_miner("")]
    miners = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)# (5)!

if __name__ == "__main__": (6)!

  1. asyncio for handling the async part.
  2. get_miner handles the miner type selection.
  3. Define an async function to allow awaiting.
  4. Get the miner.
  5. Can also gather these, since they are async. Gathering them will get them both at the same time. This makes it much faster to get a lot of miners at a time.
  6. Get the miners asynchronously with

Data gathering

Once you have your miner(s) identified, you will likely want to get data from the miner(s). You can do this using a built-in function in each miner called get_data(). This function will return an instance of the dataclass MinerData with all data it can gather from the miner. Each piece of data in a MinerData instance can be referenced by getting it as an attribute, such as MinerData().hashrate.

One miner

import asyncio# (1)!
from pyasic import get_miner# (2)!

async def gather_miner_data():# (3)!
    miner = await get_miner("")# (4)!
    if miner is not None:# (5)!
        miner_data = await miner.get_data()# (6)!
        print(miner_data)# (7)!
        print(miner_data.hashrate)  # hashrate of the miner in TH/s

if __name__ == "__main__": (9)!
  1. asyncio for handling the async part.
  2. get_miner handles the miner type selection.
  3. Define an async function to allow awaiting.
  4. Get the miner.
  5. Make sure the miner exists. If this result is None, the miner may be offline.
  6. Get data from the miner.
  7. All the data from the dataclass.
  8. Hashrate of the miner, with unit information.
  9. Get the miner data asynchronously with

Multiple miners

You can do something similar with multiple miners, with only needing to make a small change to get all the data at once.

import asyncio# (1)!
from import MinerNetwork# (2)!

async def gather_miner_data():# (3)!
    network = MinerNetwork.from_subnet("")# (4)!
    miners = await network.scan()# (5)!

    all_miner_data = await asyncio.gather(*[miner.get_data() for miner in miners])

    for miner_data in all_miner_data:
        print(miner_data)# (7)!

if __name__ == "__main__": (8)!

  1. asyncio for handling the async part.
  2. MinerNetwork handles the scanning.
  3. Define an async function to allow awaiting.
  4. Create a miner network.
  5. Scan for miners asynchronously.
  6. Use asyncio.gather() with all the miners' get_data() functions to make them run together.
  7. Print out the data one at a time.
  8. Get the miner data asynchronously with

Miner control

pyasic exposes a standard interface for each miner using control functions. Every miner class in pyasic must implement all the following control functions.

check_light, fault_light_off, fault_light_on, get_config, get_data, get_errors, get_hostname, get_model, reboot, restart_backend, stop_mining, resume_mining, is_mining, send_config, and set_power_limit.


import asyncio# (1)!
from pyasic import get_miner# (2)!

async def set_fault_light():# (3)!
    miner = await get_miner("")# (4)!

    await miner.fault_light_on()# (5)!

if __name__ == "__main__": (6)!
  1. asyncio for handling the async part.
  2. get_miner handles the miner type selection.
  3. Define an async function to allow awaiting.
  4. Get the miner.
  5. Call the miner control function.
  6. Call the control function asynchronously with

Helper dataclasses

MinerConfig and MinerData

pyasic implements a few dataclasses as helpers to make data return types consistent across different miners and miner APIs. The different fields of these dataclasses can all be viewed with the classmethod cls.fields().


MinerData is a return from the get_data() function, and is used to have a consistent dataset across all returns.

You can call MinerData.as_dict() to get the dataclass as a dictionary, and there are many other helper functions contained in the class to convert to different data formats.

MinerData instances can also be added to each other to combine their data and can be divided by a number to divide all their data, allowing you to get average data from many miners by doing -

from pyasic import MinerData

# examples of miner data
d1 = MinerData("")
d2 = MinerData("")

list_of_miner_data = [d1, d2]

average_data = sum(list_of_miner_data, start=MinerData(""))/len(list_of_miner_data)


MinerConfig is pyasic's way to represent a configuration file from a miner. It is designed to unionize the configuration of all supported miner types, and is the return from get_config().

Each miner has a unique way to convert the MinerConfig to their specific type, there are helper functions in the class. In most cases these helper functions should not be used, as send_config() takes a MinerConfig and will do the conversion to the right type for you.

You can use the MinerConfig as follows:

import asyncio
from pyasic import get_miner

async def set_fault_light():
    miner = await get_miner("")

    # get config
    cfg = await miner.get_config()

    # send config
    await miner.send_config(cfg)

if __name__ == "__main__":


pyasic has settings designed to make using large groups of miners easier. You can set the default password for all types of miners using the pyasic.settings module, used as follows:

from pyasic import settings

settings.update("default_antminer_web_password", "my_pwd")

Default values:

"network_ping_retries": 1,
"network_ping_timeout": 3,
"network_scan_semaphore": None,
"factory_get_retries": 1,
"factory_get_timeout": 3,
"get_data_retries": 1,
"api_function_timeout": 5,
"antminer_mining_mode_as_str": False,
"default_whatsminer_rpc_password": "admin",
"default_innosilicon_web_password": "admin",
"default_antminer_web_password": "root",
"default_bosminer_web_password": "root",
"default_vnish_web_password": "admin",
"default_goldshell_web_password": "123456789",
"default_auradine_web_password": "admin",
"default_epic_web_password": "letmein",
"default_hive_web_password": "admin",
"default_antminer_ssh_password": "miner",
"default_bosminer_ssh_password": "root",

# Only use this if you know what you are doing
"socket_linger_time": 1000,