
Miner Data

A Dataclass to standardize data returned from miners (specifically AnyMiner().get_data())


Name Type Description
ip str

The IP of the miner as a str.


The time and date this data was generated.

uptime int

The uptime of the miner in seconds.

mac str

The MAC address of the miner as a str.

device_info DeviceInfo

Info about the device, such as model, make, and firmware.


The model of the miner as a str.


The make of the miner as a str.


The firmware on the miner as a str.


The mining algorithm of the miner as a str.

api_ver str

The current api version on the miner as a str.

fw_ver str

The current firmware version on the miner as a str.

hostname str

The network hostname of the miner as a str.


The hashrate of the miner in TH/s as a float. Calculated automatically.

_hashrate AlgoHashRate

Backup for hashrate found via API instead of hashboards.

expected_hashrate float

The factory nominal hashrate of the miner in TH/s as a float.

hashboards List[HashBoard]

A list of HashBoards on the miner with their statistics.


The average temperature across the boards. Calculated automatically.

env_temp float

The environment temps as a float.

wattage int

Current power draw of the miner as an int.

voltage float

Current output voltage of the PSU as an float.


Power limit of the miner as an int.

fans List[Fan]

A list of fans on the miner with their speeds.

expected_fans int

The number of fans expected on a miner.

fan_psu int

The speed of the PSU on the fan if the miner collects it.


The total number of chips on all boards. Calculated automatically.

expected_chips int

The expected number of chips in the miner as an int.


The percent of total chips out of the expected count. Calculated automatically.


The percent of total hashrate out of the expected hashrate. Calculated automatically.


The percent of total wattage out of the expected wattage. Calculated automatically.


Whether the number of chips in the miner is nominal. Calculated automatically.

config MinerConfig

The parsed config of the miner, using MinerConfig.

errors List[Union[WhatsminerError, BraiinsOSError, X19Error, InnosiliconError]]

A list of errors on the miner.

fault_light Union[bool, None]

Whether the fault light is on as a boolean.


Efficiency of the miner in J/TH (Watts per TH/s). Calculated automatically.

is_mining bool

Whether the miner is mining.

pools list[PoolMetrics]

A list of PoolMetrics instances, each representing metrics for a pool.

Source code in pyasic/data/
class MinerData:
    """A Dataclass to standardize data returned from miners (specifically `AnyMiner().get_data()`)

        ip: The IP of the miner as a str.
        datetime: The time and date this data was generated.
        uptime: The uptime of the miner in seconds.
        mac: The MAC address of the miner as a str.
        device_info: Info about the device, such as model, make, and firmware.
        model: The model of the miner as a str.
        make: The make of the miner as a str.
        firmware: The firmware on the miner as a str.
        algo: The mining algorithm of the miner as a str.
        api_ver: The current api version on the miner as a str.
        fw_ver: The current firmware version on the miner as a str.
        hostname: The network hostname of the miner as a str.
        hashrate: The hashrate of the miner in TH/s as a float.  Calculated automatically.
        _hashrate: Backup for hashrate found via API instead of hashboards.
        expected_hashrate: The factory nominal hashrate of the miner in TH/s as a float.
        hashboards: A list of [`HashBoard`][]s on the miner with their statistics.
        temperature_avg: The average temperature across the boards.  Calculated automatically.
        env_temp: The environment temps as a float.
        wattage: Current power draw of the miner as an int.
        voltage: Current output voltage of the PSU as an float.
        wattage_limit: Power limit of the miner as an int.
        fans: A list of fans on the miner with their speeds.
        expected_fans: The number of fans expected on a miner.
        fan_psu: The speed of the PSU on the fan if the miner collects it.
        total_chips: The total number of chips on all boards.  Calculated automatically.
        expected_chips: The expected number of chips in the miner as an int.
        percent_expected_chips: The percent of total chips out of the expected count.  Calculated automatically.
        percent_expected_hashrate: The percent of total hashrate out of the expected hashrate.  Calculated automatically.
        percent_expected_wattage: The percent of total wattage out of the expected wattage.  Calculated automatically.
        nominal: Whether the number of chips in the miner is nominal.  Calculated automatically.
        config: The parsed config of the miner, using [`MinerConfig`][pyasic.config.MinerConfig].
        errors: A list of errors on the miner.
        fault_light: Whether the fault light is on as a boolean.
        efficiency: Efficiency of the miner in J/TH (Watts per TH/s).  Calculated automatically.
        is_mining: Whether the miner is mining.
        pools: A list of PoolMetrics instances, each representing metrics for a pool.

    # general
    ip: str
    _datetime: datetime = field(repr=False, default=None)
    datetime: str = field(init=False)
    timestamp: int = field(init=False)

    # about
    device_info: DeviceInfo = None
    make: str = field(init=False)
    model: str = field(init=False)
    firmware: str = field(init=False)
    algo: str = field(init=False)
    mac: str = None
    api_ver: str = None
    fw_ver: str = None
    hostname: str = None

    # hashrate
    hashrate: AlgoHashRate = field(init=False)
    _hashrate: AlgoHashRate = field(repr=False, default=None)

    # expected
    expected_hashrate: float = None
    expected_hashboards: int = None
    expected_chips: int = None
    expected_fans: int = None

    # % expected
    percent_expected_chips: float = field(init=False)
    percent_expected_hashrate: float = field(init=False)
    percent_expected_wattage: float = field(init=False)

    # temperature
    temperature_avg: int = field(init=False)
    env_temp: float = None

    # power
    wattage: int = None
    wattage_limit: int = field(init=False)
    voltage: float = None
    _wattage_limit: int = field(repr=False, default=None)

    # fans
    fans: List[Fan] = field(default_factory=list)
    fan_psu: int = None

    # boards
    hashboards: List[HashBoard] = field(default_factory=list)
    total_chips: int = field(init=False)
    nominal: bool = field(init=False)

    # config
    config: MinerConfig = None
    fault_light: Union[bool, None] = None

    # errors
    errors: List[
    ] = field(default_factory=list)

    # mining state
    is_mining: bool = True
    uptime: int = None
    efficiency: int = field(init=False)

    # pools
    pools: list[PoolMetrics] = field(default_factory=list)

    def fields(cls):
        return [ for f in fields(cls) if not"_")]

    def dict_factory(x):
        return {
            k: v.value if isinstance(v, Scheme) else v
            for (k, v) in x
            if not k.startswith("_")

    def __post_init__(self):
        self._datetime =

    def get(self, __key: str, default: Any = None):
            val = self.__getitem__(__key)
            if val is None:
                return default
            return val
        except KeyError:
            return default

    def __getitem__(self, item: str):
            return getattr(self, item)
        except AttributeError:
            raise KeyError(f"{item}")

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        return setattr(self, key, value)

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter([item for item in self.asdict()])

    def __truediv__(self, other):
        return self // other

    def __floordiv__(self, other):
        cp = copy.deepcopy(self)
        for key in self:
            item = getattr(self, key)
            if isinstance(item, int):
                setattr(cp, key, item // other)
            if isinstance(item, float):
                setattr(cp, key, round(item / other, 2))
        return cp

    def __add__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, MinerData):
            raise TypeError("Cannot add MinerData to non MinerData type.")
        cp = copy.deepcopy(self)
        for key in self:
            item = getattr(self, key)
            other_item = getattr(other, key)
            if item is None:
                item = 0
            if other_item is None:
                other_item = 0

            if isinstance(item, int):
                setattr(cp, key, item + other_item)
            if isinstance(item, float):
                setattr(cp, key, item + other_item)
            if isinstance(item, str):
                setattr(cp, key, "")
            if isinstance(item, list):
                setattr(cp, key, item + other_item)
            if isinstance(item, bool):
                setattr(cp, key, item & other_item)
        return cp

    def hashrate(self):  # noqa - Skip PyCharm inspection
        if len(self.hashboards) > 0:
            hr_data = []
            for item in self.hashboards:
                if item.hashrate is not None:
            if len(hr_data) > 0:
                return sum(hr_data, start=type(hr_data[0])(0))
        return self._hashrate

    def hashrate(self, val):
        self._hashrate = val

    def wattage_limit(self):  # noqa - Skip PyCharm inspection
        if self.config is not None:
            if isinstance(self.config.mining_mode, MiningModePowerTune):
                return self.config.mining_mode.power
        return self._wattage_limit

    def wattage_limit(self, val: int):
        self._wattage_limit = val

    def total_chips(self):  # noqa - Skip PyCharm inspection
        if len(self.hashboards) > 0:
            chip_data = []
            for item in self.hashboards:
                if item.chips is not None:
            if len(chip_data) > 0:
                return sum(chip_data)
            return None

    def total_chips(self, val):

    def nominal(self):  # noqa - Skip PyCharm inspection
        if self.total_chips is None or self.expected_chips is None:
            return None
        return self.expected_chips == self.total_chips

    def nominal(self, val):

    def percent_expected_chips(self):  # noqa - Skip PyCharm inspection
        if self.total_chips is None or self.expected_chips is None:
            return None
        if self.total_chips == 0 or self.expected_chips == 0:
            return 0
        return round((self.total_chips / self.expected_chips) * 100)

    def percent_expected_chips(self, val):

    def percent_expected_hashrate(self):  # noqa - Skip PyCharm inspection
        if self.hashrate is None or self.expected_hashrate is None:
            return None
            return round((self.hashrate / self.expected_hashrate) * 100)
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            return 0

    def percent_expected_hashrate(self, val):

    def percent_expected_wattage(self):  # noqa - Skip PyCharm inspection
        if self.wattage_limit is None or self.wattage is None:
            return None
            return round((self.wattage / self.wattage_limit) * 100)
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            return 0

    def percent_expected_wattage(self, val):

    def temperature_avg(self):  # noqa - Skip PyCharm inspection
        total_temp = 0
        temp_count = 0
        for hb in self.hashboards:
            if hb.temp is not None:
                total_temp += hb.temp
                temp_count += 1
        if not temp_count > 0:
            return None
        return round(total_temp / temp_count)

    def temperature_avg(self, val):

    def efficiency(self):  # noqa - Skip PyCharm inspection
        if self.hashrate is None or self.wattage is None:
            return None
            return round(self.wattage / float(self.hashrate))
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            return 0

    def efficiency(self, val):

    def datetime(self):  # noqa - Skip PyCharm inspection
        return self._datetime.isoformat()

    def datetime(self, val):

    def timestamp(self):  # noqa - Skip PyCharm inspection
        return int(time.mktime(self._datetime.timetuple()))

    def timestamp(self, val):

    def make(self):  # noqa - Skip PyCharm inspection
        if self.device_info.make is not None:
            return str(self.device_info.make)

    def make(self, val):

    def model(self):  # noqa - Skip PyCharm inspection
        if self.device_info.model is not None:
            return str(self.device_info.model)

    def model(self, val):

    def firmware(self):  # noqa - Skip PyCharm inspection
        if self.device_info.firmware is not None:
            return str(self.device_info.firmware)

    def firmware(self, val):

    def algo(self):  # noqa - Skip PyCharm inspection
        if self.device_info.algo is not None:
            return str(self.device_info.algo)

    def algo(self, val):

    def keys(self) -> list:
        return [ for f in fields(self)]

    def asdict(self) -> dict:
        return asdict(self, dict_factory=self.dict_factory)

    def as_dict(self) -> dict:
        """Get this dataclass as a dictionary.

            A dictionary version of this class.
        return self.asdict()

    def as_json(self) -> str:
        """Get this dataclass as JSON.

            A JSON version of this class.
        return json.dumps(self.as_dict())

    def as_csv(self) -> str:
        """Get this dataclass as CSV.

            A CSV version of this class with no headers.
        data = self.asdict()
        errs = []
        for error in data["errors"]:
        data["errors"] = "; ".join(errs)
        data_list = [str(data[item]) for item in data]
        return ",".join(data_list)

    def as_influxdb(self, measurement_name: str = "miner_data") -> str:
        """Get this dataclass as [influxdb line protocol](

            measurement_name: The name of the measurement to insert into in influxdb.

            A influxdb line protocol version of this class.
        tag_data = [measurement_name]
        field_data = []

        tags = ["ip", "mac", "model", "hostname"]
        for attribute in self:
            if attribute in tags:
                escaped_data = self.get(attribute, "Unknown").replace(" ", "\\ ")
            elif str(attribute).startswith("_"):
            elif isinstance(self[attribute], str):
            elif isinstance(self[attribute], bool):
            elif isinstance(self[attribute], int):
            elif isinstance(self[attribute], float):
            elif attribute == "errors":
                for idx, item in enumerate(self[attribute]):
            elif attribute == "hashboards":
                for idx, item in enumerate(self[attribute]):
                        f"hashboard_{idx+1}_hashrate={item.get('hashrate', 0.0)}"
                        f"hashboard_{idx+1}_temperature={item.get('temp', 0)}"
                        f"hashboard_{idx+1}_chip_temperature={item.get('chip_temp', 0)}"
                    field_data.append(f"hashboard_{idx+1}_chips={item.get('chips', 0)}")
                        f"hashboard_{idx+1}_expected_chips={item.get('expected_chips', 0)}"
            elif attribute == "fans":
                for idx, item in enumerate(self[attribute]):
                    if item.speed is not None:

        tags_str = ",".join(tag_data)
        field_str = ",".join(field_data)
        timestamp = str(self.timestamp * 1e9)

        return " ".join([tags_str, field_str, timestamp])


Get this dataclass as CSV.


Type Description

A CSV version of this class with no headers.

Source code in pyasic/data/
def as_csv(self) -> str:
    """Get this dataclass as CSV.

        A CSV version of this class with no headers.
    data = self.asdict()
    errs = []
    for error in data["errors"]:
    data["errors"] = "; ".join(errs)
    data_list = [str(data[item]) for item in data]
    return ",".join(data_list)


Get this dataclass as a dictionary.


Type Description

A dictionary version of this class.

Source code in pyasic/data/
def as_dict(self) -> dict:
    """Get this dataclass as a dictionary.

        A dictionary version of this class.
    return self.asdict()


Get this dataclass as influxdb line protocol.


Name Type Description Default
measurement_name str

The name of the measurement to insert into in influxdb.



Type Description

A influxdb line protocol version of this class.

Source code in pyasic/data/
def as_influxdb(self, measurement_name: str = "miner_data") -> str:
    """Get this dataclass as [influxdb line protocol](

        measurement_name: The name of the measurement to insert into in influxdb.

        A influxdb line protocol version of this class.
    tag_data = [measurement_name]
    field_data = []

    tags = ["ip", "mac", "model", "hostname"]
    for attribute in self:
        if attribute in tags:
            escaped_data = self.get(attribute, "Unknown").replace(" ", "\\ ")
        elif str(attribute).startswith("_"):
        elif isinstance(self[attribute], str):
        elif isinstance(self[attribute], bool):
        elif isinstance(self[attribute], int):
        elif isinstance(self[attribute], float):
        elif attribute == "errors":
            for idx, item in enumerate(self[attribute]):
        elif attribute == "hashboards":
            for idx, item in enumerate(self[attribute]):
                    f"hashboard_{idx+1}_hashrate={item.get('hashrate', 0.0)}"
                    f"hashboard_{idx+1}_temperature={item.get('temp', 0)}"
                    f"hashboard_{idx+1}_chip_temperature={item.get('chip_temp', 0)}"
                field_data.append(f"hashboard_{idx+1}_chips={item.get('chips', 0)}")
                    f"hashboard_{idx+1}_expected_chips={item.get('expected_chips', 0)}"
        elif attribute == "fans":
            for idx, item in enumerate(self[attribute]):
                if item.speed is not None:

    tags_str = ",".join(tag_data)
    field_str = ",".join(field_data)
    timestamp = str(self.timestamp * 1e9)

    return " ".join([tags_str, field_str, timestamp])


Get this dataclass as JSON.


Type Description

A JSON version of this class.

Source code in pyasic/data/
def as_json(self) -> str:
    """Get this dataclass as JSON.

        A JSON version of this class.
    return json.dumps(self.as_dict())

HashBoard Data

A Dataclass to standardize hashboard data.


Name Type Description
slot int

The slot of the board as an int.

hashrate AlgoHashRate

The hashrate of the board in TH/s as a float.

temp int

The temperature of the PCB as an int.

chip_temp int

The temperature of the chips as an int.

chips int

The chip count of the board as an int.

expected_chips int

The expected chip count of the board as an int.

serial_number str

The serial number of the board.

missing bool

Whether the board is returned from the miners data as a bool.

tuned bool

Whether the board is tuned as a bool.

active bool

Whether the board is currently tuning as a bool.

voltage float

Current input voltage of the board as a float.

Source code in pyasic/data/
class HashBoard:
    """A Dataclass to standardize hashboard data.

        slot: The slot of the board as an int.
        hashrate: The hashrate of the board in TH/s as a float.
        temp: The temperature of the PCB as an int.
        chip_temp: The temperature of the chips as an int.
        chips: The chip count of the board as an int.
        expected_chips: The expected chip count of the board as an int.
        serial_number: The serial number of the board.
        missing: Whether the board is returned from the miners data as a bool.
        tuned: Whether the board is tuned as a bool.
        active: Whether the board is currently tuning as a bool.
        voltage: Current input voltage of the board as a float.

    slot: int = 0
    hashrate: AlgoHashRate = None
    temp: int = None
    chip_temp: int = None
    chips: int = None
    expected_chips: int = None
    serial_number: str = None
    missing: bool = True
    tuned: bool = None
    active: bool = None
    voltage: float = None

    def get(self, __key: str, default: Any = None):
            val = self.__getitem__(__key)
            if val is None:
                return default
            return val
        except KeyError:
            return default

    def __getitem__(self, item: str):
            return getattr(self, item)
        except AttributeError:
            raise KeyError(f"{item}")

Fan Data

A Dataclass to standardize fan data.


Name Type Description
speed int

The speed of the fan.

Source code in pyasic/data/
class Fan:
    """A Dataclass to standardize fan data.

        speed: The speed of the fan.

    speed: int = None

    def get(self, __key: str, default: Any = None):
            val = self.__getitem__(__key)
            if val is None:
                return default
            return val
        except KeyError:
            return default

    def __getitem__(self, item: str):
            return getattr(self, item)
        except AttributeError:
            raise KeyError(f"{item}")